
MacBook Touch concept

OLED flexible screen netbook…
I hope this could be the next Apple notebook…

The Concept of a new MacBook I designed…

Creative Commons License
MacBook Touch concept by Tommaso Gecchelin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Non opere derivate 2.5 Italia License.
Based on a work at

Looking around in some forums I see a lot of people who say that this is not a new idea because of concepts like this… (terrible fake tech)

So it’s important to clarify…THIS IS NOT A DUAL SCREEN LAPTOP…
This concept is made by JUST ONE FLEXIBLE, BENDABLE FOLED SCREEN…(this is the innovation, cause when you open the laptop it becomes a tablet pc with wide screen without a “dead-space” in the middle.)
So you can have a real full 13” screen in your pocket…
Every other concept is made by TWO RIGID SCREENS with a cut in the middle…not the same thing at all…

And…iSpine is a cheap, simple, resistant technology made just of hexagonal and trapezoidal rigid little plastic extrusions… So only the foldable screen is expensive cause massive production of OLED screen is just about to begin…
And iSpine have nothing in common with the spine of a book like the guy that posted my work said in Yanko Design…The truth is that iSpine is like the human spine, like vertebral column…

78 thoughts on “macbook-touch-beta-20

  1. It won’t be the next macbook. but that does in no way mean that you’re not a genius and those are just awesome and way ahead of our time. keep it up!
    and apple, hire him.

  2. Outstanding!!

    Finally, someone understands.
    Now though, I want you to make a second mockup again using flexible OLED technology.
    This time I really want you to stretch your imagination. This product is essentially a macbook with a flexible screen. Now I want you to imagine a device that is hybrid….a cross between a ipod touch and a macbook. Using a flexible OLED (or more) it has to be able to fit in your pocket when folded up.
    The OS though is critical. Try to come up with a cross between an ipod touch/iphone OS GUI and a macbook desktop GUI.
    I know you can do it!

    Consider this first one a warmup. Now I want you to REALLY LET GO this time with your imagination.
    Get ready, get set…….CHARGEEEEE!!!!

  3. Pingback: iPhone Nieuws Blog | Macbook touch mock-up

  4. Pingback: Prototipo: MacBook Touch Beta | Appleismo

  5. Pingback: MacBook touch, un concept tutto italiano - TheAppleLounge

  6. Pingback: Prototipo de un MacBook touch (no es de Apple, qué pena) | MuyMac

  7. I would seriously take this design to the Apple headquarters – you’d be letting a great opportunity slip through your fingers

  8. Pues es magico, increible ojala se puediera lograr y que me inviten a la presentación y por que no probarla para comprar una soy 100% Apple Mac….Fantastico diseños

  9. Pingback: Apple’s Macbook Touch | Fun Techie

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  11. Hey man, that’s great… but did you really build it or it’s just a concept design? How much would it cost? And it’s not so clear to me where the internal components are placed.. Anyway, awesome and amazing.

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  17. I think this product will be “out of the box ”
    By this I mean there will be more to it in terms of software innovation as opposed to form factor.
    The experiece and directness of pen, paper and pages will merge with the Mac/Iphone paradigm.
    A special new file format will have a multi levelled character. Apps will do the rest.

  18. This is by far one of the most ingenious things I’ve seen. You should apply to work at Apple. I would buy this product in a heartbeat. And I love the idea that the OS could incorporate a paper-and-pages type of system.

    It’s interesting, the more advanced technology gets, the more we seem to imitate basic tools in more high-tech ways. Wanting a computer that works as a canvas, for instance…

  19. Hi,
    Awesome idea. Normally I do not post comments but this one is just too good to let by.
    The possibilities of use (and especially on the go) are tremendous. As a digital artist (using Corel Painter and ZBrush) I would lovee to buy this product right away provided it is powerful enough to run that software.
    I was waiting for a touchscreen laptop-kind of thing with wacom tablet (and a few shortcuts)instead of keyboard but your idea goes far beyond it. And yes, I stll like to use a pen (pressure and tilt sensitive)
    Also the way you can place it on a table looks fun … two people sitting in front of each other and having each 1 screen available. A modern way to play a board game such as sea-battle.
    I love to see this manifest.

  20. Hi again,

    Sorry for this second post but I love to add a few thoughts : I love the fact you keep a ‘laptop’ or ‘book’ design meaning something you have to open to work with it = protects the screen. Tablet pc’s (Archus 9 and alike) seem great yet you always need a protective case for on the go and have to take that off first before able to work with your device … and again possibilities of your concept appeal to many, professional artist, as managers, as friends sitting around a tabel playing a boardgame … top concept.

    • I’m glad you like my work…I hope to post something new soon…Thanks a lot 😉
      And I hope to create very soon a full portfolio to search and find a real job…and maybe touch and feel this concept on my desk in my hands…(dreaming…)

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  28. Wow thats incredible awesome!!! You should work for Apple and let them produce this touch!!! That will be the best Notebook I’ve ever seen! Great work man.

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  33. Steve Jobs, PLEASE hire this guy. Brilliant design, whether or not it is realizable this is what designers should be looking at for the future.

  34. Pingback: 30 Stunning Apple Concept Designs | The Apple Tech Blog

  35. This work is amazing. You should propose it to all the computing companies. Great future for you. Really looking forward to buy something like that. Hope the guys in Apple are as good as you!

  36. Just beautiful! As a consumer, I would buy this in a heartbeat (so long as it has the power to run reasonably large applications).

    I love Apple laptops, but why does this have to be for Apple? Apple is probably too proud (and too invested in their new tablet products) to take this idea, or you. So, why not call this beautiful creation the “Tommaso” and start your own empire of amazing products? Just for fun, you should replace the apple logo with a cool “Tommaso” logo. 🙂

  37. There is no doubt that, this concept is truly breathe taking. However, i can not see any optical disc drives. I am new to Mac.

    • OMG!!! i just can say… beauty just taht, please call the maC people and make really your concept is 1000 times best of his apple tablet ¬¬
      you rocks!!!

      • jodeR! no manches!!! eso es lo que deberia ser una macbock touch no esa tablet que kieren sacar esos tipos de mac de verdad ojala que fuera verdadese diseño yo la quiero!

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